Respond to the following questions in complete sentences.
- How many languages can you speak? Write these down and state whether What are your thoughts about Tim Doner?you think that you are fluent, somewhat fluent, or beginner.
- When did you start learning or speaking the languages you have listed above?
- Reflect on your learning of English. What have you found enjoyable or easy and what have you found challenging? Explain.
- Would you say that you are able to think in English or do you think in another language first and then translate into English.
- Do you agree that by learning English you have been able to learn more about the anglophone world and culture?
How has Tim Doner been able to learn so many languages?
What are your thoughts about Tim Doner?
Identify one IB learner profile and explain how he exemplifies it?
What would you say is the purpose of this video?
What have you learnt about language learning from him that you can apply to your own language learning?
As an IB student you should aspire to be a communicator. Copy the description of the profile and reflect on how you are on your way to becoming a Communicator. Think of the following: group work, oral communication, written communication, viewing activities, making presentations and using technology. What have you done well? What do you need to improve on?