Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Interdisciplinary Project

Research on the artist  Tom Phillips.
Complete the artist sheet below

Stage 1: Research!
Task: you will research the artist Tom Phillips with a focus on his work of “A Humument” which was the inspiration for this project!
Questions that should be answered through your research:
Who is Tom Phillips? ( include factual information about his life and upbringing)
When and where was he born? What was his family like? How did he become an artist?
2. His professional career: what are some of his famous paintings? What is his inspiration behind his artwork? Is he affected by his culture or upbringing?
3. A Humanent project: write a short description about the project.
4. Personal reflection. Chose one of his paintings or art pieces and critique it. What do you like about it? What are some techniques that you identify? How does your eye move across the painting? What do you see first? Second ? Last?
Print the picture and glue it in your art journal, marking the movement across the picture.
Art Journal:
- page 7 and 8:You need to write a 200-250 word essay on your research findings ( about 3 paragraphs)
 page 9: print and glue your favorite painting/ picture/ art piece and fill out the art piece sheet
Remember to cite all of your resources! Full websites please. 

This work is due on the 12th of March

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